Solving Non-linear Problems with Abaqus (Instructor-led)

Solving Non-linear Problems with Abaqus is an extensive course which provides practical information to perform advanced analysis in Abaqus. Here are some of the exercises which an attendee will solve by the end of the course.

oring seal simulation
u-cup seal simulation
bending of an extruded beam
jounce bumper simulation
flange joint for polyethylene pipe
x ring simulation
downhole packer seal simulation
fuse holder contact simulation
Bulging of a rubber disc simulation
bending of a staple simulation
simulation of deep drawing of a cup
Bulging of a rubber disc simulation
upsetting of rivet simulation
slip-rate dependent friction
impacting projectile
jounce bumper simulation
boot seal simulation
u-cup seal simulation
simulation of a disc brake system
impact between the pawl and ratchet teeth
Analysis of a skateboard assembly
o-ring seal simulation
ucup seal simulation
bending simulation of extruded beam
jounce-bumper simulation
Flange joint simulation
xring seal simulation
packer seal simulation
fuse holder contact simulation
rubber disc bulging simulation
staple bending simulation
deep-drawing of a cup simulation
rubber disc bulging simulation
upsetting of rivet simulation
reciprocating plunger simulation
projectile impacting a plate
jounce bumper light simulation
boot seal simulation
u-cup symmetric seal simulation
discbrake thermo-mechanical simulation
rachet mechanism simulation
Skateboard FEA analysis
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Course Delivery

The instructor led, web-based course will consist of

  1. Webinars
  2. 1 to 1 meetings
  3. Assignments
  4. Classroom meeting (optional)

The recorded webinars will be available to the attendees for up to 90 days. An attendee can also bring his/her own CAE models to be discussed/solved during the course. The instructor will need to receive the model at least two days before the lecture to be included. A CAE model should not be very large .

The classroom meeting will be held at the end of the course in Borås, Sweden. For those who cannot attend, a recording will be provided.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, you will will be familiar with

  1. Understanding source of non-linearities in a structure
  2. Solving geometric nonlinear problems
  3. Defining advanced material models
  4. Solving Contact Problems
  5. Discretization of contact pair surfaces
  6. Contact property models
  7. General contact and Contact pairs
  8. Solution procedure used for solving nonlinear problems
  9. Solution algorithm for contact problems
  10. Diagnosing convergence difficulties and taking the corrective action
  11. Finite element discretization strategies for nonlinear problems


It is expected that an attendee has basic knowledge of Abaqus. An attendee is not required to have any prior knowledge of setting up a nonlinear problem.

Course Instructor

Asim Rashid, PhD

Dr. Asim Rashid received his PhD from Linköping University, Sweden in the area of Engineering Mechanics. He is the author of Solving Contact Problems with Abaqus, a comprehensive book that provides the practical information to perform complex contact analysis in Abaqus. He has also authored  Solving Nonlinear Problems with Abaqus. His dissertation titled “Finite Element Modeling of Contact Problems” can be found here.

Course Literature

The primary literature for this course will be the book titled, “Solving Nonlinear Problems with Abaqus” and “Solving Contact Problems with Abaqus” by Asim Rashid. You do not need to buy these books. All the lectures notes and other material will be provided to the registrants of the course.


You can register using our secure online portal here. Alternatively you can download the registration form and submit to:


Deadline for registration is: Not decided.


Before starting this course an introductory webinar will be held. In this webinar, we will present some essentials and recommendations for solving contact problem with Abaqus.

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